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Civica Election Services (CES) is the Society’s independent election scrutineer and will run the Board election process on behalf of the Society.
Members are eligible to vote in Society elections if they have held at least £1 in their Society share account for six months or more prior to the date on which the results of voting in that election are to be declared.
Eligible Members can vote online. If you have an email address registered with the Society, you’ll receive a voting email from Civica Election Services (CES), giving full details of the election and voting process.
If you’ve registered your email address and haven’t received an email, please contact our Membership team on 0800 050 1601 or email
Please make sure you check your spam or junk email folders before you contact us.
Postal ballots
Eligible Members may request a postal voting pack to be sent to their home address by contacting our Membership team on 0800 050 1601. The pack will contain a ballot paper, details of the candidates and a prepaid return address envelope. If you don’t have an email address but do have internet access and wish to vote online, you can do so with the details contained within the postal pack.
If you have any queries about our Board of Director elections, please contact our Membership team on 0800 050 1601 or email